A year ago, I read an interesting piece of information here.
[Post was drafted long back and waittttttttttttttttttting. I will make a perfect neta in Indian Gov.]
“Initially we went to the McLaren team and then later on we also worked with Ferrari,” explained Dr Goldman. “We spoke about leadership and how to organise the process, who was in charge, rhythm, task allocation, checklists, all of which aren’t well embedded into medicine. They were all very simple things, but they were just not part of our culture.”
[Anyone noticing the irony..(or the lack of it?) ..of medicine - the field saving lives - far lagging behind a field making money- Is it a Sport? - even in the developed world. I don't have enough guts to think about the condition of our Government Hospitals where lot of Indian citizens are treated]
By bringing experts from different fields, numerous problems can be solved. There are many companies which have their entire business model based on this philosophy - Multi Disciplinary IP Creation. They gather Top Class experts from varied fields in a hall and try to solve complex problems. Based on the discussions between experts, various ideas come out. These ideas will be patented. Later these patents will be licensed for other companies for deploying it in the market place.
Hmmmmm! Current goal is just to develop better software ....Multi Disciplinary can wait for now :)